If you’re disappointed with 20 likes, you’ll be disappointed with 200.

A lot of the time we think that if we just go viral, get more followers and more eyes on our content it will solve our biz problems.

Annoyingly, coming from someone who has had a lot of viral content in the past, it’s not the case. The best way to use numbers from your IG is objectively. We can get obsessed with the vanity metrics but the often lead to us creating content outside of ourselves.


If you’re disappointed with 20 likes, you’ll be disappointed with 200.

A lot of the time we think that if we just go viral, get more followers and more eyes on our content it will solve our biz problems.

Annoyingly, coming from someone who has had a lot of viral content in the past, it’s not the case. The best way to use numbers from your IG is objectively. We can get obsessed with the vanity metrics but the often lead to us creating content outside of ourselves.


Instead of spending time on ‘3 Ways to Work with me in August’, try this. Help your audience see why what they are currently doing to try to reach their desire isn’t quite working and why. Helping your audience connect these dots is literally one of the best things you can do to take your ‘how to’ educational kinda content from saves to sales.