5 things I learned from my recent launch

During my last launch, I decided to go all in. Well actually, it was before that. I’d noticed there’d been a shift that happened since becoming a mumma. A devotion to my son and simultaneously to the vision of my brand which is to inspire as many coaches, healers and practitioners as possible to make their mark in the world to raise the consciousness of the planet.

Moving through the creative portal of birth, I felt so much expansion. Discovering new parts of my soul, experiencing different levels of love, a new depth to life and uncharted territory in my business. When it came to this launch, I wanted to do things differently. I didn’t want to burn out and be left feeling like a bitter Projector in the corner.

As a Projector, without knowing when enough is enough as our common not-self theme, my defined ego willpower can drive me blindly to complete any endeavour I’ve set my heart on and there are various nuances in my design that can leave me holding onto old strategies that really don’t serve me. After my recent launch I learnt a number of things :

  1. Expansion & Contraction: Just like going through the process of birth the amount of energy it takes to bring something creative into the world is huge. Putting your creative energy out there may be followed by a feeling of wanting to contract. This can last days, weeks or even months. When we begin to reach new levels of success or are faced with the possibility of it, we also face the challenges that come alongside. Wanting to keep us safe, our bodies try instead to focus on things we know how to do as a protection mechanism. Having put myself out there, in expansion, there followed a contraction and retreat. This lasted for some weeks as I started to question whether I could do it all…

  2. Less is more: I prepared a lot more than usual for this launch so as to avoid burn out. I look back and I could’ve done half as much and still thrived.

  3. Holding the trust: this is so important, even when you’re ready to run away and hide. In my experience you’ll be rewarded for holding out as people almost always sign up last minute.

  4. Don’t try to do everything yourself: get help with areas outside of your zone of genius. This was one of the shifts that saw me get to a multiple 5 figure month in May.

  5. There’s only so far strategy can take you: If your marketing lacks soul, connection and humanness your audience is unlikely to believe it’s possible for them to achieve the results you speak of. This usually expresses in the form of: ‘This looks amazing, but I can’t commit right now.’

    Remember, just because people don’t sign up to work with you now, it doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I’ve found that most of your audience won’t buy from you the first time around and so don’t be disheartened. See the whole process as relationship and trust building within your personal brand. All your actions from the heart will build up a momentum that eventually becomes unstoppable and you’ll thank yourself for putting in the effort and holding the trust when you did.


May 31, 2022