In my old job I was bitter and burnt out…

In my old job, I was bitter.

As a lawyer I was never recognised or invited to study or qualify as a lawyer.

I was burnt out and bitter and i didn’t make use of the strengths in my design. 

I’d sit on the edge of the room trying not to absorb the Generator energy around me (I’d didn’t even know HD then).

At the time I was magnifying all this sacral energy, outputting as if I had all the energy in the world but it was also multiplying the capacity to become ill.

I eventually left my job as a lawyer because i *knew* (my defined spleen was telling me) I going to get ill if I stayed in my career.

When I met human Design i felt a warmth. I felt recognition from the system itself. I felt like it knew me better than myself.

So I set about to learn it.

The funny thing is when you study HD it’s still very easy to stay in the not-self; intellectualising HD. You’ve probably heard the stat 4%of 4/%.

On my path so far I’ve met few who actually embody it.

Because to embody is a radical act and requires a huge amount of surrender.

We live in a world of not self conditioning.

Everyone running around in the not-self. It’s why it’s so easy to sell to the not-self. 

I can see now for the first few years in business I was inviting generators into my field (the irony!) from clients to coaches and I was wondering why I was exhausted.

After working with one MG coach using the same stacking model that’s replicated throughout the coaching industry, I literally burnt out.

It wasn’t until I got guidance from other Projectors, truly started to wait for recognition and trust in the timing for my authority that things shifted for me.

Projectors need other Projectors. 

I could finally see my channels were playing out in others and how it translated into real life, not just recital.

Slowly but surely I started to use my energy in a way that felt right for me.

I saw the value in what I could offer to my clients and what it means to guide in the world as a Projector with the definition in my chart.

I didn’t feel like my defined heart was over going.

I didn’t feel like my sacral was burning out. 

I wasn’t searching for answers or direction.

I wasn’t thinking about things that didn’t matter or pretending that I was certain when I wasn’t.

I felt like myself in the moment.

Projectors want to be able to manifest and generate like the rest of the world.

 It’s not how they reach their signature of success. 

They reach it though study, mastery, knowledge, waiting for recognition and invitation.


August 15, 2023