Why following industry experts isn’t going to bring you success

When I started my business I was encouraged to consider what other experts in the industry were doing, the offerings they were creating, how they got up and running and it made sense to consider it. if I made similar offerings to others in the industry, it would be a likely route to success…surely if it worked for them it would work for me too? So I set about offer creation- starting with 1-2-1 readings and off I went…

I later realised that the problem with doing this is that your chance of standing out is diluted.. You don’t get seen because you’re likely repeating what already exists by those who are in the field.. You need to be able to find a point of difference in your work. Something that your competitors aren’t doing but that there is still a market for…

How to do this?

  1. Explore what makes you unique and discover your point of difference by understanding your Human Design.

  2. Research… Engage with your audience to help understand what they need your help with and take a data backed approach to market research.

  3. Combine steps 1 and 2 to craft a unique message that actually helps your audience.

Begin to think about what makes you different from others in your industry. Just because it’s working for someone in a certain way, it doesn’t mean you have to imitate that way to be successful.After all, how will you stand out if you keep offering the same as someone whose already more established in your field?


March 13, 2022