Why I politely declined two opportunities with well known brands

A few months ago I had two well known global brands reach out to me on Instagram for collaboration opportunities. In the past I would’ve jumped at any invitation that came my way and after following through I’d feel burnt out and bitter. This time after further conversations with them I realised that given the invitations to collaborate weren’t rooted in real recognition, I’d politely decline. 

The thing with Projectors is that they don’t have a natural gift of going inwards and getting to know themselves (unlike the Generator). The Projector is all about the other and therefore they can have difficulty recognising and seeing themselves. I feel as though they can suffer a real pressure in this lifetime to be like Manifestors, to make something happen, to follow their thoughts and do what we think is right to make it all happen but ultimately that usually leaves us burnt out and bitter because the great gift of a Projector is not doing, it’s seeing. Their gift is to recognise the other and the capacity to be of value to the other. 

Projectors are the great guides. In order to become the guide we need to master something. Usually a system but can be anything e.g. a lawyer, a Dr, an engineer, etc whatever it is! Right now we find ourselves in an era of real possibility and potential online and things are moving fast. But things can take time to get going as a Projector, to build a sustainable brand that has strong foundations because we must first master our knowledge to become a real guide and over time once we see the system so well, our aura starts to speak for us and this is when the real recognition and invitations arrive. Then we can fulfil the role of a guide in this lifetime and usher in a new consciousness in the evolution of humanity.


June 30, 2022