6 themes you might be struggling with as Projector in business

The more I experiment with my design, the more I realise I am just not available for people who don’t truly recognise me for me. It just makes me bitter and exhausted (haha). Tell me I’m not alone with this?!

I’ve recognised 6 core themes we as Projectors experience in our not-self, that look a little something like this:

1. We often compare ourselves to others and can judge ourselves quite harshly. I feel as though we often suffer a lot of pain because of this. Others judge us and we take it REALLY personally…

2. We can try to take on or follow others’ methodologies in business because we want to experience success so BADLY but we end up burnt out and bitter because what works for energy types usually don’t work for us.

3. We people please a lot. So many people in the HD world talk about Manifestors’ people pleasing. I actually think Projectors suffer from it more. We try way too hard to please others and to be what they need SO THAT we can feel useful and appreciated.

4. We lack a sense of purpose when we aren’t helping or guiding others and especially when we are not being invited or recognised by others. When we don’t wait for recognition and invitation from others we come across as DESPERADO.

5. We can totally overwork to earn the recognition that we seek and mostly burn ourselves out along the way. We literally spend SO MUCH energy maintaining our not-self UNTIL we truly start to follow our strategy and authority.

6. We feel everything so INTENSELY so we tend to either isolate ourselves or we stay around others and try to fit in only to realise we don’t feel good when doing so.

What can we do about it all? What I’ve come to realise is that our mind is the problem…It seeks meaning, purpose, identity and grasps at whatever it thinks might work. But our body actually knows and has the answers. It always does. The truth is we are really magnetic beings, we are literally designed to attract attention so we can guide. When someone sees us for who we are and invites our guidance into their lives, we find our signature of success.

How to get to this point? I know I probs sound like a broken record but learning to trust in our strategy and authority is SO important for this. We need not waste time time with people who don’t recognise us. While we wait for recognition from the folks who see us, we must study. We must master our systems, gain knowledge and trust in our natural gifts in our human design when it comes to guiding others. Oh, and we need other amazing Projectors in our lives!


July 20, 2022