3 Reasons Why Your Brand Isn’t Standing Out Online

So, you’ve got your qualifications and you’ve been coaching for a little while now. You’re an ambitious soul and you know the direction you want your business to grow in but you don’t quite know how to get there or why it’s not working for you right now..

When you coach or teach you feel so alive but when it comes to posting online and showing up and sharing your message with your audience it feels like something’s holding you back or it’s not clicking with your audience in the way you’d hoped…

You can see other coaches in your niche making moves and growing and you’re wondering what that missing piece is for you…

Let’s work out that missing piece together now so that you can move forward with growing your brand.

From my objective 6th line profile in Human Design, I see 3 most common things that prevent most practitioners from creating a stand out brand are:

  1. Unclear Messaging (not getting specific enough on your niche and target market or the exact things you can help your ideal clients with).

  2. No Unique Position (not really doubling down on your unique skills or giving your audience a reason to come to you over any one else in your niche & not having a lean model with a stand out offering you become known for).

  3. Vanilla Content (playing your content safe with mostly educational tips, not structuring your content in a way that speaks to your audience and not using the Art of Storytelling in your work).

Getting these 3 things right will change the way your customers interact with your brand, I promise. I’m willing to bet that it’s not that your audience doesn’t need your help or that you’re not good enough as a practitioner, it’s just that your messaging, positioning and content needs a little refinement (the Magic 3) so that they’re ready to raise their hands to work with you.

We’re going to be covering the Magic 3 in the Branding Immersion. The Immersion is for practitioners who want to elevate their personal brand to become the go-to authority in their niche. It’s a 9 week program which is designed to leave you with:

  1. Clarity in your messaging so that your audience knows exactly what to come to you for as you build your brand.

  2. Confidence in your authentic expression through your brand by embodying your unique gifts in your Human Design and finding your own stamp in your market niche.

  3. Capturing your audience’s attention because they see themselves in your content and feel ready to raise their hand to work with you.

Livy xx


October 20, 2022