Using the Human Design profile lines to build your brand…

In Human Design our profile tells us a lot about who we are and the various archetypes we embody. There are 12 profiles, made up of two numbers between 1 & 6.

The energies of each profile line carries a certain flavour that I’ve found so helpful when understanding what’s different about the way we show up, share our message and stand out online.

What’s equally as helpful is to come back to the energy of the lines when you’re having a moment in your business… when we find ourselves holding back, hiding somehow, it’s been a while since we’ve shown up and we begin to question ourselves as our confidence dips.

In those moments, the hexagram can help. I’ve come up with the following questions as they relate to business and Human Design.

Line 1: Foundations: am I crystal clear on my brand mission, identity and message?

I’m personally working on a rebrand at the moment that’s helping me revisit my mission and identity for my brand. It’s giving me so much confidence working with a specialist who designs logos, brand visuals, font and colour palettes.

Line 2: Genius: how can I trust more in what comes naturally to me?

As a Projector, I’m leaning more into guiding and less into doing. I’m trusting much more in my genius of transmitting through my 26-44 channel, taking up space as someone who has a gift for understanding what your IC needs and wants through my intuitive awareness and sharing it in a way that has them thinking you’re in their mind.

Line 3: Experimenting: what’s working, what isn’t, what can I do differently?

What’s not working now for me has been a lack of boundaries when it comes to offering up my time to those who invest to work with me. I’ve been giving more than I receive in some cases, over extending my defined heart, and it’s showing up as resentment and exhaustion – a sign I tell me clients to revisit boundaries and/or pricing.

Line 4: Community: what do my audience & community need right now?

I’ve just written my quarterly market research questionnaire which I’m going to send out to my audience to check in with what they need help with most and where they are hitting road blocks currently.

Line 5: Controversy: where am I holding back with what I’m sharing?

If I could share one thing with you right now it would be to tell you that resisting niching in the early stages of building your personal brand will limit you. The key to branding yourself is to get specific. Find the one thing your audience needs and do it better than anyone else. No one in your niche can bring what you bring to the table.

Line 6: Role Model: am I really practising what I preach? See above – I regularly check in with myself to ask – where am I not a living embodiment of what I am teaching.


November 28, 2022