Tough love

My observation for the week:

If everyone in your industry is promising the same as you, it’s HOW you help that makes the difference.

I’ve worked with lots and lots of holistic practitioners and they are often solving similar problems:

– unexplained infertility

– lack of purpose or direction

– lack of self-confidence

– a dysregulated nervous system

So, what sets one practitioner apart from another?

 How you solve that problem for people (aka your solution).

We all have a different way of helping people and how to do it in the most natural way for us based on our human design. 

It’s literally coded into our blueprint how we are designed to help people.

Too many practitioners burn themselves out, get overwhelmed and stuck trying to copy someone else’s messaging and offers based on what’s worked for that person…

Something that’s not energetically aligned is not going to work for you. 

Maybe tough love but no one wants your offer…

..they want in on your energy when you’re in flow bc you’re an inspiration for their own desires when you speak about what you help them with and how you do it…

 I talk about it more in ‘Best Seller’


(things I found on the internet and got obsessed with) This creation by Amy McNee. I think the word ‘art’ is replaceable, if you know what I mean! 


June 12, 2024