If you’re disappointed with 20 likes…


If you’re disappointed with 20 likes, you’ll be disappointed with 200.

A lot of the time we think that if we just go viral, get more followers and more eyes on our content it will solve our biz problems.

Annoyingly, coming from someone who has had a lot of viral content in the past, it’s not the case. The best way to use numbers from your IG is objectively.

We can get obsessed with the vanity metrics but the often lead to us creating content outside of ourselves.

Here’s what I mean:

Outside: You measure your content success by ‘engagement’.

Inside: You use data objectively to improve content message, format + quality.

Outside: You sneak peak content from other coaches in your niche.

Inside:  You ask yourself what conversations do I want to have with my audience? 

Outside: You rely on others for what to include in your offers + content so that ppl buy.

Inside: You ask yourself how you really got to where you are + share from that exact place.


The algo fed me this beauty of a vid by Grace Beverly. Obsessed bc honestly she just talks A LOT of sense. Isn’t she great?!


August 6, 2024