Why you need to make your content less about you and more about your audience.

Let me start by saying I am all for self-discovery. I am Human Design reader after all, I help people understand what makes them unique! However, when it comes to sharing your message through your work, it needs to be less about you and more about them.

Here’s why:

By focusing on you and what you’re inspired by you don’t necessarily speak to what your audience is experiencing. It might be relevant to you but it’s likely it isn’t always for them… So if we can shift our content creation and start to create from a place of service, of desire to help, of wanting to improve their lives through our work, the way to truly help them is by getting clear on what they need help with.

Here’s what happened when I made this shift:

I started sharing content online that resonated in a way I’d not seen before. My posts were going viral with and my following grew by over 4000 in a matter of weeks with many more sign ups to my waitlist for work.

Before this time, I’d only really post occasionally. I wouldn’t write if I didn’t really have anything to say. I’d cringe whenever anyone mentioned a content strategy. Surely it was better to find my own flow and write when inspired? I’d wait for inspiration to come to me (which wasn’t often) and then I’d open up Canva and spend hours trying to create the perfect message only to feel bitter when it didn’t land.

Just when I thought I’d got something valuable to say, it wouldn’t get half the engagement I expected. Perhaps I could’ve blamed the algorithm for not posting so often. But I’ve realised that wasn’t the case. It was the energy behind the posting that wasn’t right. It felt like a burden, something I felt I had to do and there was a lack of clarity and intentionality in my messaging. In short my content wasn’t landing or converting in a way I knew it could.

One of my core values in my business is devotion. The definition of devotion is: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity. When I started to lean into this more, I became intentional with creation. I spent time tuning, asking questions and reviewing feedback very carefully, to tune into what my community most valued and needed help with. I began a market research tracker for the most important items and then explored how I could specifically and uniquely support my audience based on my design… with zero attachment to the outcome.

It became SO much easier to be consistent when I wasn’t just waiting for inspiration to come. I now use my content as tool to help others. It has become my ministry. A playground for creativity and a way to get to know my audience. I write because I want to help my audience feel seen, I want to explain why they might be feeling a certain way and how to improve that. I also use content as a testing ground to see what might resonate and now things feel so much lighter. I literally never struggle to post.

So, if you’ve been struggling recently to find your voice, I feel you! My guidance with every piece of content you write is to really get clear on how your message is going to help your community. As this builds up over time and you gain momentum, you’ll only have to mention your offerings before others will want to work with you.


January 25, 2022