You’re overcomplicating things

I’m back sharing what’s working and what’s not in the cray cray world of social media marketingggg.

This week’s observations is ALL ABOUT when we thinkkkk we have a sales problem we actually have an offer problem.


It’s easy to sell when you know what you’re selling.

If you’re wanting to fill you programmes but you’re finding it difficult to sell, it’s so often the case that that the offer needs refining because you’ve been throwing the kitchen sink (and everything you can offer into one offer) instead of trying to make your offer solve just one clear problem.

This is especially true of 1:1 offers and/or if you’ve been running a programme for a while without revisiting the messaging.

I’m not saying you need to create a new offer or re-invent the wheel but just refine what you’ve created so that it aligns with your audience desires and it’s positioned based on your human design so you’re confident selling it.

I don’t know about you but I am all for the simple life.

Keep it simple. Don’t overcomplicate your offer. It’s actually way easier to make sales.


(things I found on the internet and got obsessed with)

This guy. If you know me you know you know I love all things communication and people just getting to the point. 

Why this reel is SO good?! There’s a visual hook at the beginning as he starts talking the camera whizzes down to his face but more importantly beyond the hook, this guy knowns how to keep attention of the reader:

→ He makes one point per post (most people try to make 1 but end up making 5 and losing the reader/view) and he reiterates the main point with examples.


June 26, 2024