Do you find it hard to describe what you do as a spiritual practitioner?

Ever feel like your throat chakra is blocked when it comes to describing what you do as a practitioner?

 I saw a threads quote yesterday that said: 

‘If it’s difficult to explain what you ‘do’ according to ‘mainstream’ standards, you’re likely part of the new paradigm.

Here are my thoughts on this.

Collectively we are moving into a new age of individuality.

Cookie cutter strategies will become a thing of the past because it will be impossible to follow someone else’s strategy and thrive. 

The resistance you might feel to describing what you do can come from a number of traits in your Human Design chart.

When the gifts in their Human Design chart are unconscious (red) it’s difficult to describe what you do because it ‘just happens’… a bit like the breath. 

Individual circuitry in Human Design often speaks as a knowing, ‘I just know it’ ‘I can’t explain it.’

If you have 2nd lines in your Human Design, there are gifts inherent in you but they are here to be called out by others so it can be difficult to see and sometimes describe the magic of your work.

If you have any self-projected mechanism in your chart often times you don’t know how you know what you know until you start to talk things out to people. 

Manifesting Generators by design usually have so many tools and practices that they can support their clients with it’s difficult to succinctly describe what they do. 

Fifth lines can sometimes fall into the trap of fulfilling the projections of others in their work rather than the work they are really passionate about and aligns with their most natural self. 

Projectors, through the mechanics of their aura, can’t see themselves clearly or what their gifts are making it difficult to find the words to show how they help others. 

 I’ve also found when supporting practitioners, the more experience you have the harder it is to easily summarise what is is you do. 

Until now you could thrive as a practitioner with a clear message which quickly allowed your ideal clients to grasp the benefits, features and value proposition of your offer or service. 

This is quickly beginning to change as we enter a new paradigm of communication, awareness and individuality. 



June 1, 2023