Don’t spend more time doing something that doesn’t work

I’m back with my observations and obsessions. Let’s dive straight in today.

Posting 3 times a week is not a social media strategy. 

It’s a random no. that has been made up. 

And there’s no point trying to be more consistent if you don’t know what you’re doing is going to bring you a return on investment…(whether that’s personal brand momentum, enquiries or sales).

I would rather post less and it receive multiple enquiries bc #projectorefficiency than post more to keep up with the algo.

Content creation can take 3 hours or 30 minutes…

Here are some signs you’re ready for more of a strategy around it to save you time:

  • You want to know what to write to bring more enquiries in a way that feels more natural
  • You don’t wanna post about random topics or feel like you don’t know the purpose behind each of your posts
  • You want to start writing about one thing and not wind up on a completely different topic confusing your audience.
  • You don’t want to spend hours re-reading and re-writing captions or do a quick job just to get it up and out
  • You’ve heard of topics like embodiment, authority building or educational but you don’t know what to write in those categories to actually get momentum.

Learning how to write good quality content is a skill that needs work and that takes time, a bit like learning to ride a bike. 

It’s hard at the beginning and frustrating when you keep falling off. 

But before long with a bit of practise you get to go way faster (and flex your own style).


(things I found on the internet and got obsessed with)

This guy Raymond. I only came across him recently and genuinely binged watched his videos. Totally transfixed by the way he moves, he feels like a 2nd line natural dancer to watch. LMK if you love it too! 

p.s. it’s content like this that is shareable and if you’re in an intentional phase of growth in your biz to get new eyes on your content, think about the posts you’ve shared recently and exactly what about it made you share it. 


May 28, 2024