How to attract clients and make money with a small audience…

Recently I’ve spent some time thinking about the investments I’ve made in my business over the last few years and which ones have been the most game-changing.

The Projector in me started to see the themes and patterns arising in my work at the time. My core belief at the time was that growing my audience would lead to more success in my business. I was wrong. Because when my content started going viral, my following went up quickly and my reach grew to over 200,000 it didn’t always translate into sales. Ironically it was often the ‘worst performing’ posts that drove interest, powerful conversations and sales.

When I look back I think there were probably 3 core challenges I was experiencing:

  1. Unclear message online: My messaging was all confused and kept changing, I wasn’t clear on my niche, I was a hot mess really with little consistency.

  2. Copying: I was always copying the way other experts in my field were working and how they were building their business. I hadn’t learnt how to position myself – to stand out in a sea of similar solutions to mine.

  3. Communication: I hadn’t learnt how to communicate effectively with my audience, to know what type of content to focus on and how to write it in order to spark interest and build relationship with my community.

When I worked on each of these themes, I got to realise that audience size and no. of likes really doesn’t matter when you are clear on your message and you know how to stand out online in a way that attracts clients into your world. So at this stage my encouragement would be instead of focusing on building your audience – turn your attention to the following and you’ll find yourself in a much better position:

  1. Getting specific identify your niche, there is no such thing as being too specific in the market. I personally use data analysis and market research to support getting specific as I like to analyse the market to know what my audience needs help with.

  2. Position yourself: work on finding the white space in your field so you can stand out from all the others in your market doing amazing things.

  3. Magnetic content: learn the different types of content and how to write copy to become magnetic in your messaging so your audience is waiting to sign up.


August 2, 2022