How To Create Consistent Income in Your Personal Brand

After being in convos with coaches and healers over the last week, I’ve started to see some patterns emerging.

I’ve met lots of coaches, mentors, healers and teachers out there practising what they know is their life’s work.

They’ve spent a lot of time and money investing in their knowledge and building up expertise in their discipline.

From foundational to advanced trainings in the U.K. and often abroad.

They are really incredible practitioners.

They have had a taste of what it would look like to go FT in the business and leave their corporate job behind.

Maybe you are the same.

You’ve had some success. 

A taste of the life you desire.

But you haven’t quite stepped into consistent income yet.

You’ve been experimenting for the first few years of growing your brand or maybe you’ve been in it for longer, 3, 4 or even 7 years. 

You’ve taken all the online courses on marketing and business.

Some months you do well, with lots of 1:1 sign ups.

Other months you rely more on your other source of income. 

Right now your income isn’t exactly where you want it to be.

If you want to make consistent income in your business, you have to lay strong foundations.

Foundations are what keep you thriving in business even when the economy changes.

When you have a bad day or week and you stop posting on socials for a while.

Foundations allow your brand to thrive without you there online all the time.

So what are the foun

Well, to start with:

1. A clear message.

Your message is who you help and what they need help with.

The more specific you can get the more likely you will be able to attract ideal clients with organic content.

2. A stand out offer

Today the market is full of coaches making claims about what they can help people achieve.

To stand out you need to offer something unique that draws on your own strengths.

What’s most natural to you.

That’s when your most magnetic. Owning your own unique genius and creating unique offers instead of copying what others are doing.

Because what has worked for one coach won’t always work for another.

Most coaches aren’t creating through their own lens.

When you create a stand out offer from your own Human Design blueprint, you create an offer that becomes a magnet for your ideal client because it comes from you and your body, lived experience and blueprint.

It’s an extension of your soul.

3. A communication strategy

Most coaches just post on their social media and struggle to stay consistent with it because:

1. they haven’t found their own voice online

2. they haven’t yet discovered how to write in a way that really speaks to the mind and heart of their customers so get disheartened with low engagement and story views.

When you begin to find your voice online and learn how to write in a way that feels authentic you begin to stand out online.


March 1, 2023