When to Invest Based On Your Human Design Authority

Your Human Design authority is a tool for you to truly know what’s right for in your business you or not.  No one else will know this for you.  


Trusting your authority will help avoid any of those I invested and now I regret it kind of decisions…and help you experience more of I invested and it was the best decision I made…

So here’s how to know when to buy based on your Human Design authority:

  • Emotional Authority: Wait until you longer feel nervous about the decision. If you are second guessing, anticipating a negative outcome it usually means you don’t have clarity. Emotional authority is like dancing with an energy rather than knowing with certainty. You will never get 100% clarity.

  • Sacral Authority: Don’t overthink it, trust your gut feeling – it will feel like a yes, no, or not now. It’s easy to get caught up in the logical thing to do or what makes most ‘sense’ right now, but let your body decide not your mind.

  • Splenic Authority: Trust your instincts here, it’s a spontaneous awareness based on whether something feels healthy for you or not. A ‘no’ will be a feeling in your body that it just isn’t right. Reminder the spleen only speaks once, it won’t keep reminding you of your truth.

  • Self Projected Authority: You’re designed to talk your decisions out with people you trust. Clarity will feel like an inner knowing. The best way to connect with your inner knowing is to give it a voice. Speak things about and trust the sounding and conviction in your voice to guide you.

  • Lunar Authority: Allow yourself time (ideally a month) to reflect on the decision, discuss it with others, and ultimately reach clarity. You are not designed to make big decisions spontaneously. How you feel about a decision will evolve over time, and a month gives you space to feel into a decision and find clarity.

  • Ego Authority: Ask yourself: is my heart in it? You are designed to tap into your heart to know if you have the energy to commit to something or not. Clarity can feel like a sense of solidness, like your feet are planted firmly on the ground.

  • No inner authority: You get clarity the moment you begin to discuss your decision with others. Finding spaces and places and people who you can articulate how you’re feeling in a raw, free, authentic way to hear you repeat and repeat and talk and talk it over to get clarity on your decision.

It’s so easy for our mind to get in the way of our body intelligence. Without following your authority you can’t align for what’s meant for you. 


December 1, 2022