My first Human Design reading

My very first human design reading was with Tiffany Stephens, an ex-laywer of 17 years who had worked her way up the ranks to become a partner in a law firm before shifting to a career in human design and other holistic practices. 

At the time I was still a lawyer and I think I felt a sense of hope after my reading with her that there might be a way out of my own career which I was so burnt out from. 

I went on to study Living Your Design with a 6/2 Reflector, Rachel Walmsley a practitioner from the IHDS. 

When I first learnt about being a Projector it helped me reframe a lot of previous experiences that I was beating myself up about or that I’d really struggled with. I still spent a good few years after that in the not-self as I hadn’t really understood how I was to apply it all to my life and business. 

As Ra would say, if you make decisions with your mind you’re always lost, you’re never in the right place. It’s only now I really understand this. 

I think the thing with Human Design is that we’ve fallen into an era of taking a piece of information online and trying to apply it with no context as to how it’s working as part of our whole design. 

Worse still, trying to monetise it without actually putting in the time to experiment with it.

One of my Generator clients asked me this week, “when I have an idea and get excited about it, how do I know if that is a response or initiating?”

Generators only know what is correct for them when they are asked. A true response comes in response to being asked, not ideas or thoughts in their head. 

Unlike a Projector, the Generator does not need to be recognised and invited, they simply need to be asked so they can respond with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 

When Generator or MG client comes to me more often than not they don’t know what their response actually feels like. 

When you’re told what your authority is, you have to experiment with what that looks like and feels like for you.  

Lots of people describe sacral authority as a feeling of being lit up or excited by something you have responded to. 

How your response actually feels for you will differ depending on the activations you have, the circuitry of your definition and whether its conscious or unconscious. 

I’m always so curious when I start supporting people with their design how they actually experience their definition and how it is showing up for them in their daily interactions because it’s here we get to develop our awareness.


October 22, 2023