Rip up the marketing rule book

If you’re like me you probably have a whole graveyard of online courses you’ve lost the logins and passwords for teaching you the next best secret how to get more clients using  systems, socials or scaling, you name it!

What used to motivate buyers, from stripe notifications to here’s the 5 exact steps to [insert your ideal client’s core desire] no longer does in the same way. 

So, let’s break it down, here’s my observation: 

I think we’ve turned a marketing corner in the online coaching world and the creatives are leading the way with their cute aesthetics, primed video editing skills and attention grabbing hooks and I know where I want to hang out. I wrote a little more about it here last week.

If you’re someone who wants their biz to thrive because you believe in something MORE and yet when it comes to becoming visible it can feel like you have to follow something copy paste.

I say it’s time to rip up the marketing rule book on what’s working for some out there and not for others.

When you decide to decondition from how you’ve been told to market yourself and instead show up in alignment with your Human Design, doing what feels most natural to you and authentic, you become a magnet for others.

There’s so much in your human design that speaks to how you show up in your biz and stand out.

As a 6/2 profile I am in the phase of life where I am up on the roof, it’s not a super natural place to be forward facing building a personal brand (my 2nd line hermit body resists it).

I’m also an ‘observer’ in my design, meaning here to watch others (rather than be watched) I use this intentionally in the way I film my content and what I talk about.

How I am in my environment affects what I see and primes me to go deeep into my subject with my focused, power view.  It’s why I rarely talk about the basic things in Human Design.

I’ve shown up face to camera stories once this year yet consistently fill my programmes by finding ways to get visible that feel good and natural to me – and you can too.

This is the magic of Human Design.

There’s nothing more attractive than people owning who they are what they have to share, taking up space in their niche in a way that feels natural. That’s how you make more money and more impact.

By following someone else’s formula you lose a part of yourself – from offer suites, to how you market yourself, your positioning, POV and how to attract clients, it’s all living in your unique blueprint waiting to come to life.


May 14, 2024