Struggling with Inconsistency in Your Personal Brand?

Ever battled with the feeling of inconsistency in your business online? Some months you seem to do well and others you find yourself worrying where your next client is coming from.

Sarah (a 3/5 Generator) was the same. She’s a breathwork practitioner who was ready to leave her FT corporate job to pursue her passion. Within a few months of working together she filled out her 1:1 practice and sold out her first online group programme.

When most healers and coaches were feeling the turn of the economy and the change in buying behaviour in the coaching industry she was able to leave her FT job and go all in on her business.

She now supports her family with her business. Works the hours she wants to and has sold out her next retreat and more programmes since.

She is also travelling the country hosting Breathwork sessions with corporate companies.

How did she do it?

While a lot of coaches, practitioners, healers aren’t sure where their next client are going to come from, she attracted loyal customers, instead of having to chase them.

She stopped offering one-off sessions and developed an offering she became known for that filled with referrals and sold out online.

And now she has the business she dreamed of a few years ago.


April 1, 2023