How to Magnetise Your Personal Brand

The hardest part about getting my business off the ground was figuring out who I actually helped, what my brand was and where to niche. I went back and forth, spun around in circles and burnout along the way. It was only when I began to integrate my Human Design into my brand that things started to shift. I was able to market myself in a way that allowed me to be seen for who I was and not just trying to be someone else.

I now realise there are some key components to magnetising your personal brand:

  1. Purpose: what do you want to do? What is the driving force behind your brand? What legacy do you want to leave? What is your brand story?

  2. Research: through market research and data analysis can you see what your audience needs helps with?

  3. Power: know your unique superpowers, what are you good at? what are your skills, gifts and talents based on your design? What’s your differentiating factor, how are you standing out in a sea of similar solutions to yours?

  4. Proposition: what are you bringing to your audience, what value are you providing them.

  5. Recognition – unlocking your unique brand voice based on your human design and using strategic and soulful content to share your message and becoming recognised as a stand out personal brand.

Your Human Design chart holds the keys to unlocking your personal brand in way that feels authentic. The beauty of it is that it feels natural when you are just owning your own uniqueness. Sounds simple, right? But we spend so much time copying and comparing ourselves to others, we can lose our own sense of self.

When you own and embody your own design, showing up becomes easy. That’s when you begin to become magnetic to others.


April 17, 2022