Is there ever a right time to invest in support as a coach?

Ever find yourself wondering when the right time to invest in your business is as a coach?

Two of the most common objections that your prospective clients will use when investing are “I can’t afford it right now” or “this isn’t the right time”. 

Maybe they’re thinking: ‘I’ll invest in myself once I’m making ££ amount of money or i’ll be ready to invest when I’m at this place in my life and I have more time and space to do it.”

Sometimes these are really genuine reasons and other times it’s because they’re something beneath the objection, whether it’s a negative experience the person had, a fear holding them back or unfamiliarity with stepping outside of their comfort zone.

I’ve seen lots of biz coaches share their common responses to these objections, including:

  • There’s no such thing as ever being ready…

  • You don’t wake up one morning and just decide to change your life…

  • If money and time were no object, would you want to make the investment?

  • What’s really holding you back?

  • When would be a good time?

  • What are your other priorities right now and do they feel more important?

  • Here’s how I first invested in myself before I was ready…

The thing with this is that it keeps you in the mind, the mental game, the not-self.

Here’s what I think (and it’s probably less sexy) but when you allow yourself to follow your authority in your Human Design you will always align to what is meant for you. 

Of course any investment is going to take you to your edge a little but that edge is usually what exists before experiencing growth. 

The problem is in the early stages of your HD experiment it’s hard to know what your decision making authority actually feels like in your body vs. what your mind is saying through your open centres that ‘hijack’ your ability to connect to what’s right for you. Here’s a reminder on how you make decisions that are correct for you.


July 1, 2023