It took me 3 years…

In Human Design we say opportunities, life, money, relationships come to us when we follow our strategy and authority. 

But usually that doesn’t sound sexy enough to sell and also actually requires we do something radical. 

It took me 3 years of being in design to really understand my strategy, 4 years to fully trust my authority and 5 years before I noticed my PHS actually kicking in. 

While waiting and experimenting it’s so easy to get sucked into the mental game:

  • This happened because of this transit..

  • I have this gate and that profile so I’ll market myself this way…

  • I have to do this because I have this variable…

  • I do this because I have this channel..

The problem with this is when you are trying do something through your design it’s all coming from the mind. 

When you try to be something because of your design, it’s unnatural. 

 You can’t force it to happen. 

Instead, when you follow your strategy and authority your potential in the chart comes to life. 

So what does following your strategy actually look like in business/marketing/selling?

Here’s how I see it in my own experience as Projector.  

So many people think waiting for an invitation is sitting back until inviting you and then feeling weird if you find yourself initiating. That’s leaving money on the table. 

It’s not initiating by sharing your content online, marketing, using paid ads or sales pages. You can “hang your sign up” and people who recognise something in you will respond to that and follow up. It then becomes an invitation to you which you navigate through your authority and awareness of your correct motivation and transference as a Projector. 

As long as you are moving from your authority and not initiating from your mind, you do not need an invitation to do things that do not penetrate others.

Initiating to me is cold calling/guiding someone/telling people what I see in where their marketing is going wrong or could be more effective, interacting with someone directly with them and this kind of thing is very different without invitation and often leaves us bitter and burnt out. 

And when you’re thinking about how to position yourself and where to focus your marketing efforts, there’s no one way for each type. 

You get to make it work for you. 


September 16, 2023